I tried to take charge of my own safety in Montreal Because my 5-foot-1 frame isn’t going to scare anyone. When I got dressed to go running this summer in Montreal, I was hesitant to leave in just shorts and a sports bra. I ended up opting for a looser shirt to avoid comments and …
“I was put on this earth to do this,” says George Manoli, former Montreal cop who’s been teaching ‘hands-on’ self-defence for decades. His courses, geared towards woman, teens, and sexual assault survivors. Pamela Pagano reports. Source: https://montreal.citynews.ca/2024/02/16/montreal-hands-on-self-defense/ Related Images:
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Interview with Georges Manoli, teacher of self-defense with simulated aggression and authorized supplier for the Compensation of victims of criminal acts: what do the self-defense experts think of the proposed strategy for teenagers? Related Images:
How to feel safe when the feeling of fear still threatens many women who are victims of violence? The journey of Annie, who lived through domestic violence, led her to want to regain this lost confidence. When someone close to her told her about self-defense training, she saw it as another step in “taking back …
Source: Le Journal de Montréal Une victime de violence conjugale aimerait que ce «traitement-choc» soit offert à plus de femmes PHOTO MARTIN ALARIE: Le policier qui offre le cours d’autodéfense est vêtu d’un costume matelassé pour encaisser les coups. Les cours d’autodéfense permettent à des victimes de violence conjugale de survivre à leur agresseur et devraient …
https://www.facebook.com/konbininews/videos/644360229464536/ REPORTAGE | Féminicides au Canada : rencontre avec une rescapée et un “Incel” “Les filles, je vais vous détruire” | La haine de certains hommes n’a pas de limite : se sentant rejetés par les femmes, ces “Incels” (“célibataires involontaires”) peuvent aller jusqu’au meurtre. Reportage au Canada, 30 ans après le premier féminicide …
Photo: Amine Esseghir/Courrier Ahuntsic – Les yeux bandés, la victime potentielle doit se sortir de cette situation en frappant là où ça fait mal. Faire vivre en une heure et demie les situations d’agression les plus diverses auxquels une femme pourrait faire face, c’est le défi d’un atelier offert récemment à des femmes du quartier …
Manoli, the veteran Montreal police officer underneath the padding, is spending his off-hours, as he usually does, teaching some women the rudiments of self-defence to ward off would-be sexual predators. Although he has an array of black belts in various martial arts, Manoli is essentially instructing women not on the intricacies of kung fu or …
Manoli has over 35 years of teaching experience. He created his own method of self-defense focusing on survival and engaging your animal instinct, he is quick to point out there are no easy tricks. During courses, he tries to simulate a real attack to give ‘victims’ the chance to apply his techniques. Check out the …