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Rachel Alkallay October 3, 2005 Montreal – Christine Johnson* stepped out of the suburban mall and into a nightmare. On a warm September evening eight years ago, two men, one pointing a knife into her back, grabbed her, forced her into a nearby bus shelter, and, while one threatened her with the knife, watched as …
Courier Ahuntsic – May 1, 2005 En collabouration avec les postes de quartier 27 et 28 et le Service de sécurité incendie. Un atelier avec agressions simulées sur la sécurité personnelle des femmes en milieu urbain, donné par l’age Georges Manoli, est actuelleme offert. Celui-ci se tiendra le dimanche 8 mai de 9h00 à 11h30, …
Dorothy McLeod – Augiust 25, 2004 Real life self-defence strategies and hands-on practice to protect children from bullies and sexual predators, and adults from attack, are among the workshops and courses offered by Westmount. They have been developed by George Manoli who still works as a crime prevention and community relations police officer in the north …
Marc Pigeon: Le Journal de Montreal July 1, 2002 Bien que le mois de juillet ne soit pas le plus «chaud » en matière de vols par effraction, il vaut mieux prendre deux précautions plutôt qu’une au moment de partir pour les vacances. Il reste que sur le territoire montréalais, le nombre d’introductions par effraction …
SARAH DOUGHERTY: Special to The Gazette – June 21, 2002 Stephanie Arpin had a sinking feeling when she came home from work recently and found her front door unlocked. Her fear turned to anger when she realized her Montreal apartment had been ransacked. A burglar had stolen jewelry and money. Larger items were untouched. “I …
Her heart pounding and her pulse racing, the woman screams and thrusts her free, open hand into her assailant’s eyes. She knees him with all her might in the groin as he moves to release her grip. She manages to wrench her other hand free and goes directly for another sensitive target. Her fully-padded assailant …