David Goldberg: THE MONITOR – October 11, 1994 After a spring and summer of sexual assaults in the district, business has never been better for self-defence expert George Manoli. Manoli tells worried female residents that they can reduce their fear of such attacks and the horrible consequences, if they are prepared . ‘Self-confidence for a …
The Chronicle August 17, 1994 Aim is to teach students to protect themselves Forewamed is forearmed. That’s the thrust of a series of self-defence courses being offered through the YMCA Family Centre this fall. Designed for women and children, the courses aim to teach participants how to protect themselves from an attacker, explains coordinator Kelly …
Serge Labrosse: Le Journal de Montreal – May 5, 1994 Deux mères de famille aventureuses ont décidé de quitter le confort douillet de leur maison Cie banlieue et de laisser derrière elles mari et enfants, pour aller trotter une année entière autour du globe, sans autre bagage qu’un sac il dos, il! la recherche de …
By Melanie Brooke: The Concordian March 8, 1994 In addition to practising the safety methods outlined in the booklet, Seguin recommends students leam the location and telephone numbers of all security services available to them, on and off campus. Important numbers, such as campus security, health services, the MUC police, hospitals with sexual assault protocols, …
By Steve McDougall Suburban Staff – June 23, 1993 Every year, thousands of homes in the west end are broken into, especially when the residents are away on vacation. Many people feel helpless about preventing such break-ins, and just hope their insurance policies will cover the losses. But George Manoli says there are things that …
Suburban – Suburban Staff – June 16, 1993 Summer is here, and many residents turn their thoughts to vacations and travelling. The only problem is what to do with the home being left behind, and what unforseen dangers could there be while on the road? These are some of the concerns that will be covered …
By Mark Lidbetter – Suburban Special – September 30, 1992 At the West Island YMCA, there are numerous courses offered to the community. One such course has just entered its second year and has proven to be popular in attracting students. It’s a self-defense course for women, designed to prepare them for the worst case …
The Monitor – September 29, 1992 George Manoli présente à nouveau cette année. sa méthode d’autodéfense sur le tas pour les femmes. Les cours débutent le jeudi 8 octobre au Centre communautaire N.D.G. de 19h00 à 21h00 et ils s’adressent aux femmes de 13 ans et plus. Sa méthode offre aux femmes des moyens pratiques …
Diana MacDonald, The Informer – November 11, 1991 With her heart pounding and her pulse racing, the woman screams and thrusts her free, open hand into her assailant’s eyes. She kicks him with all her will as he moves to release her grip. She manages to struggle her other hand free and goes directly for …
Joy Carroll, The Chronicle October 9, 1991 With four rapes reported in the West Island over the past few months, more and more women want to learn how to defend themselves. « I get calls everyday from women who are looking for something to protect themselves, » said Greg Reid, sifu at the White Tiger School for …