Yellow Belt 6th kyu Requirements
Yellow Belt Requirements
Physical Requirements
- 20 – Regular push ups
- 5 – Hands together – feet apart push ups
- 20 – Hands apart – feet apart push ups
- 30 – Sit ups, cross punch
- 30 – Elbow to opposite knee
- 30 – Scissor kicks
- 35 – Step ups, on bench
- 25 – Calf raises
- 25 – ¼ squats POB
Technical Requirements
- Break fall & Shrimp move
- Break fall:
- Sideways
- Backwards
- Push-up position, roll, BF
- Shrimp move:
- Anti-bullying controls:
- Snake bite
- Shark bite
- Snake squeeze, top position
- Airplane to Spider hands
- Bulldozer
- Crazy horse
- Guard monster, he gets up
- Base battle
- Sneaky hand
- Duck/Shoot
- Crazy legs
- Croc control, top position
Karate basics
- Styles history, name of style, founder, rank and belt system, etc.
- Karate basics – Zigzag cat step & Kicking form
- Stances
- Walking form
- Turning form
- Punching form
- Cat step – right & left side:
- Zigzag cat step:
- Forward zigzag cat step
- Backward zigzag cat step
- Kicking form:
- Body motion
- Segmented kick
- Dynamic kick
- Combination of techniques on Bogu (Body gear)
Kata – One side
Kumite – Both sides
Other requirements
- Koshiki fights – 2 with body gear
- Grappling fights -2
- Participate in one Koshiki contact tournament
Stripe 1 Requirements
Technical Requirements
- Break fall
- Slide backwards off partner then break fall backwards
- Controls when partner has top position
- Top position: Hook removal when partner places both leg hooks in
- Partner places hand on your shoulder/neck: Standard trap & roll
- Partner head locks you from top position: Trap & roll head lock variation
- Partner has top position and strikes downward: Trap & roll punch block variation
- You have top position, take his back
- You have top position, partner tries to turn on his belly: Modified ‘S’ position
- You take his back, he rolls to the side & starts wiggling out: Remount technique
Karate basics
- The confrontational rules #1 & #2
- The Kenkokan Karate school principles #1 & #2
- Chops:
- Elbow strike:
- Right side elbow strike
- Left side elbow strike
- Side kick:
- Right side kick
- Left side kick
Kata – 1st quarter
- Closed stance, block downward to the corner
- Nijushiho: Video / PDF: Front – Back
Kumite – Offensive side
Other requirements
- Participate in one Koshiki contact tournament
Stripe 2 Requirements
Technical Requirements
- Break fall
- Slide backwards off partner then break fall backwards
- Controls when partner has top position
- Top position: Hook removal when partner places both leg hooks in
- Partner places hand on your shoulder/neck: Standard trap & roll
- Partner head locks you from top position: Trap & roll head lock variation
- Partner has top position and strikes downward: Trap & roll punch block variation
- You have top position, take his back
- You have top position, partner tries to turn on his belly: Modified ‘S’ position
- You take his back, he rolls to the side & starts wiggling out: Remount technique
Karate basics
- The confrontational rules #1 to #4
- The Kenkokan Karate school principles #1 to #5
- Double hammer strike:
- Right side Double hammer
- Left side Double hammer
- Knee kick:
- Knee kick #1: Cat step back, pull down, knee kick with back knee
- Knee kick #2: Bear hug, turn head, knee kick with front knee
- Knee kick #3: Grab his shoulder & triceps: circular knee strike with back knee
- Basic escapes #1 – 3
Kata – 1st half
Kumite – Both sides
Other requirements
- Participate in one Koshiki contact tournament
Stripe 3 Requirements
Technical Requirements
- Rolls & Cart wheel
- Mount escapes – Elbow knee escapes
- Elbow knee escape: Standard variation
- Elbow knee escape: Heel drag variation
- Elbow knee escape: Fish hook variation
Karate basics
- To count in Japanese from number 1 to 15
- Functional Dojo terms: Kaiso, History, Shomen, etc.
- Round house kick:
- Front leg round house
- Escape #1, round house kick back leg
- Back round house kick:
- Right side back kick
- Left side back kick
- Jumping front kick:
Kata – 3/4 of Kata
Kumite – Both sides
Other requirements
- Participate in one Koshiki contact tournament
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