St. Albert Booster – January 24, 1983
If you want to protect yourself against attack, learn how in the up Coming Manoli Method of Hands On Women’s Self Defense course. George Manoli has developed this. unique “hands on” method of teaching, and it has sparked nation-wide attention.
He has talked about the method on ITV’s Good Good Morning, as well as on CFRN’s Day by Day. Manoli said CBC’s The National was also interested in the technique.
What makes it so popular?
“Women are taught simple, direct techniques of self-defense. It is a coaching technique unique to Canada because real life attacks are simulated and we do not use make believe situations,” said Manoli.
St. Albert will be experiencing Manoli’s next course on February 3, 10, and 17. Each night the session runs from 7-10 p.m.
Each woman in the class is asked to pick a dangerous situation that is applicable in her daily life, for example her home security. The situations are then simulated, and Manoli’s karate students dawn goalie pads to protect themselves from the woman’s defense.
Manoli said women are placed in as many real-life situations as possible. They wear high heels, do a session in a parking lot, or in a small room with the lights off. The intent is to prepare the woman against an attack in the most realistic situation possible.
In each night of the class there is time for hands on attack and defensive coaching, yet Manoli spends time discussing with the class alternate methods of defense.
“You have to start being defensive before an attack occurs, and to do that you remove yourself from vulnerable situations. If, for example, you are walking around West Edmonton Mall slowly and uncertainly, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable situation. The way you walk and the way you handle yourself is an important part of defense,” said Manoli.
He added that there are numerous ways of tricking an attacker into stopping his attack.
“Bluffing strategies are important. You can say you are pregnant, you have a disease, faint or vomit in front of him. The idea is to make yourself unattractive to the attacker in order to turn him off,” said Manoli.
“The biggest request we have from students is to bring in more, stronger and uglier men to try the technique on. Each woman walks out of here knowing what strategies to use, and she can be confident that she can defend herself,” said Manoli.
There are still openings for the February course. If you cannot get in however, Manoli will be offering another course on March 9,16, and 23.
He can be contacted at the Father Jan School.